Fires of the Forsaken

Addie wanted a gosh-darn pizza. Lass wanted to avoid being cooked over a spit. Neither figured they’d end up with a one-way ticket to the end of days. Addie did not have “getting plucked from the 21st century and thrown into a rudimentary fantasy world” on her “fun things to do at 30” checklist. YetContinue reading “Fires of the Forsaken”


Windsong Life doesn’t wait for tears to finish. Eighteen-year-old Roxana Welhaven has lived her life by this motto. When her mother is diagnosed with terminal cancer, Roxana swallows her tears and vows to do whatever is necessary to save her. Even if it means making a deal with a talking polar bear. The bear offersContinue reading “Windsong”

Eyes of a Snake

Eyes of a Snake POWERS ARE RISING. AND SECRETS ARE JUST AS DEADLY. Successfully obtaining the chalice in Noel has put Mellana at risk. Prince Lorian has ordered everyone to turn over those who possess gifts, and a bounty looms over her head. Mellana may have the help of her friends, but when trouble strikes,Continue reading “Eyes of a Snake”


Burnout Her boss would call it a ‘strongly encouraged leave of absence.’ Quinn Brennan would call it her last chance. Quinn, as the leading magical analyst for the Arcanum—a renowned organization advancing the world’s knowledge and use of magic, as well as defending against its darker forces—, is no stranger to life-or-death decisions on theContinue reading “Burnout”

The Avalon Trials

The Avalon Trials Three ‘Chosen Ones.’ Thirteen days. One lie with the potential to end the world. When Cordelia lied to the Guardians of the Lake—the legendary protectors of the island of Avalon and Excalibur—she never expected her candidate and close friend, Will, to be one of the three candidates chosen to prevent the endContinue reading “The Avalon Trials”