Fires of the Forsaken

Addie wanted a gosh-darn pizza. Lass wanted to avoid being cooked over a spit. Neither figured they’d end up with a one-way ticket to the end of days. Addie did not have “getting plucked from the 21st century and thrown into a rudimentary fantasy world” on her “fun things to do at 30” checklist. YetContinue reading “Fires of the Forsaken”


Windsong Life doesn’t wait for tears to finish. Eighteen-year-old Roxana Welhaven has lived her life by this motto. When her mother is diagnosed with terminal cancer, Roxana swallows her tears and vows to do whatever is necessary to save her. Even if it means making a deal with a talking polar bear. The bear offersContinue reading “Windsong”

Secrets of a Rose

Secrets of a Rose A kingdom built with secrets is bound to unravel. During the month of Amira, the silver moon emerges, and the kingdom of Zyra comes alive with anticipation for its annual ball. Mellana Goodwick, finally at the rightful age of sixteen, receives her first invitation, but when unexpected events take place, immediateContinue reading “Secrets of a Rose”

The Raven and the Wolf

The Raven and the Wolf Tell the Wolves I am Home. Trapped in a prison cell beneath the Black Tower, Salome holds on to the hope that her friends will rescue her before she is tortured and executed for the Gomorrians’ pleasure. Having been reluctant in the past to step into her prophesied role ofContinue reading “The Raven and the Wolf”

The Red Maiden

The Red Maiden Separated and on opposite sides of the continent, Salome and Crispin continue to amass an army to face their sister while avoiding other enemies set on killing them before they get close to Northwind. In the Isles of Myr, Salome meets her mother’s kin while facing the ugly truth of her family’sContinue reading “The Red Maiden”

Wolves of Adalore

Wolves of Adalore Niabi killed for it once and is prepared to kill again. Crispin wants it and is determined to have his revenge. Salome wants nothing to do with it, but has to fight for it. After years of people insisting she must be cursed due to her discolored left eye, Salome starts toContinue reading “Wolves of Adalore”